One of many questions
Hi! I hope you are well,
So, I thought I'd share with you the answer I give when asked the question, "What got you started in homeschooling?"
First of all, we started having kids a little later in life. I'm not saying that's uncommon, I just think we were a little better equipped personally than we would have been other wise. I was 30 when I had my oldest.
While I was pregnant I read at least 20 different books, so I didn't "screw it up" and discovered there is no perfect way to mother. However I also had the epiphany that there was no other that could be better at being my child's mother than me. Any who, I started to think about the families that I knew growing up that home schooled and I imagined the possibilities.
When I had her, I couldn't let anyone else raise her. I just knew it had to be me. Now, I know it isn't possible for many, to stay home with their children and I wasn't sure If I could either. I talked with my husband about it and I just thought I could at least teach her through preschool.
I went to a mom's group at church when my oldest was 18 months, and everyone was surprised that she was eating a banana. I know, weird, and I learned about all the "normal" processed snacks etc that most kids represented ate. When you get to know me, you will discover this particular topic is pivotal to me. I realized the influence I had on her with healthy habits at such a young age. It moved me.
One of the younger mothers there began talking to me about the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling. I looked into some things and started to dork out on researching the different ways to school. I took a test on what home school method would fit me best. I was divided, by the way, between Charlotte Mason, Unschooling and Montessori, with the highest percentage in Charlotte Mason.
As with most things in my life that I'm unsure about, but seem right, God opened my eyes. I was already teaching my girl. I had began training her to do sign language at 8 months. I was really focused on understanding her so she didn't have to be frustrated trying to communicate to me. I realized there had been things in my life to prepare me to home school. (although, nothing totally prepares you like experience and just because you haven't experienced these things doesn't mean you aren't qualified)
I went to 3 different colleges. I attended JCCC to do some preliminary classes that would help me to follow my wishes at the time to teach art in detention centers to "messed up" kids. I went to Pitt State and took Criminal Justice type classes as well as Child development and Psychology and behavior classes. I also went to UMKC and took a lot of art, history, and literature. I never earned a degree.
I took all the classes that best interested me and let me tell you, the love of learning is ALL I needed to home school! I do not know every subject, but learn right along side my babes! I mean I had my doubts, looking at others to compare will do that to you. BTW the Word of God tells us to compare ourselves to others is foolish. 2 Cor 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”
So, here I am now teaching 4 different ages. Crazy. I also, have realized that other experiences, jobs, failures, and relationships have helped me to do what I do now. Like the Lord was all these years preparing me for this very job. I'm so thankful and grateful for the home school moms that have taken the time to connect with me and also for the loving support of my family. Not everyone gets that. If you are considering homeschooling I have one piece of advice... Do It! Your children can only benefit from the time that you alone as their mother can give them.
If you have any thoughts to share please do!