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Biblical Marriage (The Roles by God's Rules)

Hi! It's so nice to be able to have a few quiet moments before the house wakes to get a few words down.  I hope you are well, and loving his return. Let's jump right in.  Rule #1 in God's rules for our biblical roles. Marriage is a process and it takes patience. Patience not only with eachother but also with ourselves.  Hebrews 5:12 KJV For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. God has an expectation for us to grow spiritually. We are to be looking and moving forward and not looking back. When we are new babies spiritually we need a little at a time to grow(milk). A little understanding of scripture. As we grow In Christ we need more meat, more doctrine etc. In the same aspect we should always be growing in our marriage. We have to be patient, yes, but that's not an excuse for stagnation. Do not all

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